Level 3 Award Education and Training
Empowering Workplace Professionals into Competent Teachers & Trainers .

From Our Awarding Body – Safety Training Awards / Swimming Teachers Association (STA) www.sta.co.uk
Education and Training is an introductory teaching qualification and can be taken by individuals who are not currently within a teaching role as there is no practice requirement other than microteaching.
The qualification makes it ideal for those that aspire to become teachers, or those who have only just started in the profession. The role of a teacher in the education and training sector is a varied one, it involves planning, delivering and evaluating sessions that meet the needs of the learners and the requirements of the course. It includes record keeping and giving feedback.

Level 3 Award Education and Training
Level 3 award education and training has replaced preparing to teach in the lifelong learning (PTLLS). This Level 3 award education and training will prepare the learner for teaching adults arrange of subjects including in further education. This Level 3 award education and training is for anyone looking to teach adults and is most awarding offices pre-requisite to teach any of their courses.
Our Level 3 award education and training is fully regulated and on the Regulation Qualification Framework (Ofqual Recognised) and has guided learning of 60 hours using the following options:
Option 1 – Fast Track with Full Mentor Support – From only £349.00
Paul R Salmon has designed our Level 3 award education and training fast track course that consist of blended learning (with full mentor support) for those that have teaching experience to completed 3 assignment worksheets & Lesson plan as well as prepare a teaching session for 30 minutes.
The learner will then meet with their allocated professional qualified tutor to complete the assessment, this can be done in their own work environment or at an organised one-day assessment day. The one-day venue included in the price is one that is listed below.
Our Next Training Opertunity
12 Dec 24 – Chelmsford, Essex

Option 2 – 3 Days with Full Tutor Support – From only £399.00
Paul R Salmon have put together a very popular Level 3 award education and training 3 days training that is designed to support everyone from the individual with no teaching experience to experienced teachers. Our expert tutors will guide you from the assignment work sheets, lesson planning and development as well as develop you into a competent and confident teacher.
Our Next Training Opertunity
10 to 12 Dec 24 – Chelmsford, Essex
Option 3 – Distance Learning with Full Mentor Support – From only £299.00
Work fully independent at your own pace and rime, with the benefit of a mentor to help you succeed. You will complete at your own pace your assignments and record a one-hour teaching session. Achieve your Level 3 award education and training at your own terms.
This method is perfect for people that have some experience teaching and able to work on own initiative.
Our Next Training Opertunity
Start When Ready at your Own Venue !

Whats my Natral Progression from Level 3 Award Education and Training. ?
Assessor Qualification Great Progression Step from Level 3 award education and training
For those looking to complete assessor qualifications then Paul R Salmon has designed the Level 3 Education and Training course to incorporate the theory elements of the assessor’s award and claim prior accredited learning towards the assessor’s awards.